Saturday, June 17, 2006


In Buddhism, there is a concept of the six realms of existence, or simply the six realms. The six realms represent the six state of mind that a person may transcend during his life.

  1. The world of heaven. This is the world of enjoyment, pleasure or pleasant things. The condition of heaven is impermanent, and this state of mind will also change.
  2. The world of humans. (Human beings) In the world of humans, sometimes we are happy, sometimes we are sad, sometimes we are laughing, sometimes we are crying.
  3. The world of asuras. This is the world of fighting, or strife. The realm or state of mind of fighting.
  4. The world of hungry spirits. This is the realm of dissatisfaction, not being content. The state of having endless unsatisfied desires, or greed. Figuratively speaking, always being hungry.
  5. The world of animals. It is the realm lacking reason. The state without reason. Without reason, mistakes are made, causing hardships or suffering to self, and at times others. Without reason, being dominated by one's desires.
  6. The world of hell. Hell refers to the realm of suffering. The state of suffering and pain, which through cause and condition people will enter.

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